Eligibility for the award of grants 

Under the terms of the Charity Commission Scheme, grants may be awarded from the Foundation to a limited number of children and young people resident in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire (geographical counties, not necessarily postal address) to assist with expenses incurred in their education. There is also a special category for needy young people with the ‘Kentish’ surname (or where a parent or grandparent has that surname) or who can provide good evidence of kinship with the founder’s own family.  Thomas Kentish was himself childless.  The Foundation derives its income from the rent from a small farm in Bedfordshire and from investments. 

The founder of the charity, Thomas Kentish, died near St Albans in Hertfordshire in 1712 and the work of the charity has been maintained since then. Originally, the beneficiaries were four boy apprentices. Now, needy young people in most recognised educational establishments, including agricultural and FE colleges, are eligible to apply, but numbers are limited by the comparatively modest amount of income.  The trustees are particularly keen to assist young people taking educational courses which are likely to lead directly to employment.  Grants for courses where the applicant already has a first degree or equivalent are considered when there are available funds or if there is a special need. The upper age limit is around 25. 

To be considered for a grant, applicants need to be: 

  1. a)  aged over 11 years (year 7) and usually up to 25,
  2. b)  pursuing education and advancement, 
  3. c)  in financial need, and
  4. d)  permanently resident in Hertfordshire or Bedfordshire* (see below)

The trusts enable grants to be made to applicants resident in the geographical counties of Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire, which were the counties associated with the founder, *or who fall into the ‘Kentish’ categoryAll applicants are assessed on a combination of educational factors and financial need.  In a typical year, up to 20 grants are awarded.  Sums range from £500 to £1250 depending on age and circumstances.  Grants are on a one-off basis but eligible applicants can reapply.  

The award of grants is at the discretion of the trustees, who take into account the educational progress and commitment of the applicant as well as the financial circumstances.  Grants from the Foundation are not large enough to cover school, college or university fees. They are, however, suitable for buying books, uniform, tools and equipment and for helping to finance music lessons and educational trips. The trustees usually consider applications in November (applications need ideally to be in by late September), although applications (such as for school uniform or work clothing) can be considered at other meetings, normally in February and June or July.  High standards of confidentiality are observed.  Please note that this is a small charity run largely by voluntary effort.